

Affron® is a key ingredient of STAIT Supplement, clinically proven to support:

  • Healthy mood balance
  • Relief from symptoms of mild anxiety
  • Promotes restorative sleep

What is Affron?

Affron is a specific source of saffron which has rapid absorption and proven bioavailability. It is both the most awarded saffron ingredient worldwide as well as the most clinically backed saffron ingredient, with low temperature extraction technology that uniquely concentrates and preserves the actives in a natural way with less industrial processing.

The clinically proven benefits of Affron

Affron has been clinically proven to help support a healthy mood balance, relieve symptoms of mild anxiety and depression and help promote restorative sleep. Restorative sleep is essential for providing the necessary energy levels needed for daily life. By-products of healthy sleep include improved memory function and improved immunity.

In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, affron intake for 4 weeks showed signs of improved mood and alleviated stress or tension related anxieties associated with fatigue. Affron intake was well tolerated and no associated side effects were noted.

Affron intake for 28 days was associated with significant improvements in alertness upon waking and a significant increase of 20% in relation to feeling more energised upon waking. 

Affron is one of the ten powerful ingredients in STAIT Supplement

If you're looking to experience the benefits of Affron for yourself, you may want to try STAIT Supplement. This premium, all-natural supplement contains Affron, along with nine other powerful ingredients, to help you improve your overall health and well-being. With its carefully crafted formula, STAIT Supplement is designed to help optimise hormones, boost your energy, improve your focus, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance sleep quality and so much more.

So why not give it a try and see the benefits for yourself?


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