Message from the Mountain 008

Its been a full on month in the world of STAIT, the Mountain and me.

Funny “oh sh*t” vs funny "ha ha", but that seems to be life for many of us at the moment.  

So what to make of 2025, two months in?  

Well most of all, what has come to me is that no matter what, your word is your bond.

Along with this, treat people as you would wish to be treated, even if its bad news, speak as if you were delivering it to yourself.  

Another experience – trust in the process of life, and let go of all that doesn’t serve you. As a dear friend said to me many years ago “a new train cannot enter the station if the old one sits at the platform”. This has always annoyed me, mainly because what is “it” that needs to be let go of, and at the same time, when is it time to let go, and when is it time to press on?  

If anyone has any clues, I am all ears.  

Most of all, the phrase sticking with me at the moment, one I heard first heard on Staz’s audio book, The Tough Road Will Take You Home, is one attributed to his Partner Louis – “how you do anything Is how you do everything”  

So with all this running through my head, its been a mind fcuker of a month. Overthinking stuff – I am world champion at. Always seeing the glass as fully empty, I am up there in the top 10 in the world. So, it's great to have Sam by my side, to bring me back to me, so that I can actually contribute to the world.  

You see, she and I have this mission, to help educate (by sharing my errors along the way) guys on practical tips that will help them age well.  

In this world of dis-information, propaganda and pure utter bullsh*y, it's tough to find things that work, and products that support. That’s why we created STAIT – to be a source of information to help guys with Stress, Sleep, Sugar (Blood) and Sex hormones. I am yet to meet a guy who doesn’t have an issue with at least one of these. And as we are a living organism, each one is connected, so an issue with one, will have a knock on effect.  

This month, sadly waiting to see what Tropical Cyclone Alfred will deliver, having workmen not turn up after months of waiting and endless promises, has raised my stress off the charts. Coupled with certain survival issues, this has certainly affected my sleep patterns. Needless to say, with 2 of the 4 issues in play, the sex hormones (Testosterone) have definitely been disrupted.  

Why share this – I appreciate we all have our own sh*t going one – I share this because I am the same as you all are, I have the same challenges, I have the same doubts, and the same fears.  

What did I do – I remembered in the end, whenever I have faced challenges before, trusting in my gut feeling, even in the face of doubt from others, has always paid off. I am not talking about ego, or the little voice in my head, I am talking about the strong sense of gut, that is undeniable. I had that sense when I asked Sam to move in with me, even before holding hands or kissing! I had it when it came to leaving my stable income in my accountancy practice, and I had it when we decided to begin STAIT.  

And that’s what I remembered, when facing all these issues – in the end, my gut is saying “stick with it”, the workmen will come. Keep the faith in the direction of STAIT, because there is more confusion than ever around men's health and wellbeing. Stick with speaking your truth, and being your authentic self, as that’s the only way not to lose yourself in this crazy time.  

And what happened – I went on a USA podcast about men's health, shared some good stuff around the STAIT mission and community, and remembered in the end, despite the blood sweat and tears of starting and running a brand, changing even one persons life makes it worth while. Better yet, receiving many emails from you guys, our amazing community, washes away the stresses for sure.  

The reason to share this is to say ... no matter what you are facing, know that we at STAIT are always here, to lend an ear and support your health targets.

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