Just wanted to share a bit of feedback with you. I'm not to sure if any feedback like this has already been shared. Anyway, I've been taking STAIT for a solid 12 months now after joining up with Scotty Evennett, and have definitely enjoyed the health benefits.
Around Christmas time, I was sharing some information on STAIT with a friend of mine who raised an interesting fact.
"How do I personally know what the health benefits are if it takes some time to get into the system, then do I get used to it and does my body adapt to the supplements".
Fair question I thought.
So I stopped taking STAIT. It's now been a month.
Not initially but after a few days, I noticed a change in my sleep patterns. Feeling unsettled and unable to doze off comfortably. My moods are slightly different and even though I've managed to lose a fair bit of weight and training regularly, my enthusiasm and drive to get up and train has waned as well. More mental effort to overcome the desire to sleep in. Speaking of the mental side of things, my focus at work isn't as sharp. Also, being 52 years old, the old pencil takes a little bit of an effort to be sharpened, to which my wife has definitely noticed.
Now, this has all happened over the course of a month, so as of today I'm resuming my STAIT supplements, as I definitely know, unequivocally, exactly what the health benefits that STAIT has on my body.
So, to yourself and Sam, I say Keep up the great work with your products.